New Mardi Gras Short Story Competition 2011

New Mardi Gras is calling on writers to submit their story for the Mardi Gras Short Story Competition in 2011.
Writers are encouraged to draw inspiration from the competition theme, ‘Home’ for their chance to share in some fantastic prizes, generously supplied by The Bookshop Darlinghurst, The Feminist Bookshop, gay-ebooks, Gleebooks, NSW Writers’ Centre and Sydney Writers’ Centre.
This much loved competition also provides the amazing opportunity for winning authors to have their work published online through gay-ebooks and on the Mardi Gras website, making it a truly International competition!
For full prize details and to download the application form and submit your story, click here.
Closing date for entries: 5pm, 7th January, 2011 (Sydney time)
Word limit: 750 words.
Entry fee: $15/$10 conc.  per story


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