S&S Short Story Competition

The Saints and Sinners GLBT Literary Festivals Second Annual Short Fiction Contest is soliciting original, unpublished short stories between 5,000 and 7,000 words with GLBT content on the broad theme of Saints and Sinners. The contest is open to authors at all stages of their careers and to stories in all genres.
The entry fee is $15 per story. There is no limit on the number of stories each author may enter. One grand prize of $250 and two second place prizes of $50 will be awarded. In addition, the top stories will be published in an anthology from QueerMojo, an imprint of Rebel Satori Press. There will also be a book release party held during the 9th annual Saints and Sinners Literary Festival in New Orleans May 12-15, 2011. The deadline for the receipt of manuscripts is November 1, 2010.
Entries judged by John Berendt.
Entry form here


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