Cupid's Broken Arrow

So many times has cupid hit
Hearts of men poisoned by love
Many a time has the dark heart of man
Been illuminated by radiance dazzling the eyes
Dawning the day when thaws the ice
That had long frozen the heart.

For many days long gone and not forgotten
That followed each other in quick succession
Cupid sped far and wide hunting for the lover
Sun and moon coursed along his paths
Wind and rain attacked him unvariedly
Only to get the grazing hearts oblivious.

Hearts with their serene breath
Liz with a broken heart, hurt
Leo with his lost love, untimely demise
Hearts with staggering faiths on Facebook
Cupid with his bow and poisoned arrows
Shot them to lay at their feet each poisoned heart.

Thence dawned the day of their date
The two to meet, miraculous omens to relate
Leo of Nakuru said to have travelled
The long and bumpy road to Kitale
Whatever in his mind who can doubt
The candle of hope was brightly lit
Prodigious love was soon to be begotten.

The sacred fire may have gone out
Cupid’s poison may have been dilute
Flames of love and infernal furnace of desire
Were shortly to find a cold ground, cold heart
Attraction was rent asunder, dreams of love dropped
And the bright candle where hope burned
Was blown out and turned dreary flicker.

The air rang with the call of one love
Liz beamed fresh and lovely like a garden of roses
Her words clothed the aura in raiment of darkness
And romance put on a priestly garb of brethren
When she stupefied Leo, the still mourning lover
Understood the candid Liz in full glum and gloom!
This Liz of his dreams was to be his sister.

The dejected heart of Leone
Wherein love for Elizabeth lie
Desire for her beauty and bloom
Like dust under his feet lay gloom
Unlettered though, eloquent he spake
‘So be it sis!’

Days and months have followed
My heart so hollowed
Desires the one hallowed
Yet not allowed
May God perpetuate His choicest blessings on her soul!

                                                                (For Liz,
                                                                14th March, 2012).

Copyright ©Elove Poetry, 2012.


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