The Seducer

He came out of the blue
With convictions so true
And stole her heart before her very eyes
Thawed her heart of the ice
That had frozen it for years.

His voice was music to her ears
Yet she blocked his advances
Told him she wasn't taking chances
She wasn't ready for the devil - love
She wanted to be alone, and happily live.

He was a man of persistence
An alpha male of resillience
Turned to be like a stalker
Till she gave in to play poker
And to her he was like a drug.

To him all of her she did drag
Gave herself up to him forever
Weakened by passion like fever
Day and night couldn't get enough
Even tried to think it was love.

Then came the day of their parting
Never to have more of their partying
It hurt her to be waiting
Hoping that he'd be coming back
But she was to remember him for ever!

Copyright ©Vincent de Paul, 2012


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