War of Love

I am a fighter, I fight not
I’m besieged
I wasn’t prepared for this war
Yet I realise I must fight
Be in the battlefield
And risk losing
Than those who lurk behind.

When you were about to lose
I thought I was about to win
Poor me didn’t know it’s deception
You ensnared me
And I lost the war
Yet I’m in the battlefield
Won by those who lurked behind.

Now I find myself alone
At the end of ma’ wits
I can’t fight any more
I’ve lost the war
Yet I’m in the battlefield
Won by those who lurked behind.
You’ve shattered my will to fight
Lost you to another lover
Lost this war of love
But I promised
 Now I wait as I promised
Yet I know I lost the war a long time ago.

Copyright (c)2013


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