Invitation to Join Africa Creates

Africa Creates: The Radio Show
Africa Creates is an online radio show that will provide a platform for African writers, musicians and filmmakers to be heard and promoted both locally and internationally. Every week, the show will highlight and interview one artist. We already have one online radio station (based in the USA, with an international audience) that has agreed to air the show, and I will be approaching others as well.
Right now, I’m developing an interview schedule. If you are a writer, musician or filmmaker and you’d like to be part of this, please contact me ( I’d appreciate the following in return:

1. Submit a short post

The post is for the blog ( and should be between 200 – 500 words. This can be on any subject – yourself, your background, what inspires you, what issues concern you etc. It should include a link to your website and to online stores where people can buy your work. This post is due one week before the interview. Ideas on what to write can be found further down.

2. Subscribe to the newsletter.

3. Spread the word!

Tell everyone on your various networks: Twitter, Facebook, email, blog, SMS etc. Direct them to to sign up for the newsletter and to listen in to the show. Tweet: Online Radio show highlighting African writers, musicians & filmmakers: @AfricaCreates #AfricaCreates RT
Like the fan page:
4. Join the Africa Creates community
An important objective of Africa Creates is to develop an online community of support and networking.  One way to accomplish this is through the Facebook group page ( What is the group page for? If you need a shout-out for a book launch, concert etc, you can post a request for the group to spread your announcement through their various networks. The more people involved, the more cross-fertilising between different networks can happen, and that’s to everyone’s benefit.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Not sure what to write for the Africa Creates blog? Write about a burning issue that’s on your mind, or what inspires you. You can also answer some or all of the following questions. The first two questions (***) should definitely be answered for all posts.
1. Tell us about yourself (a brief bio). ***
2. Where can people find you and your work online? Offline? ***
3. How did you get into writing / music / filmmaking?
4. What do you love and dislike most about it?
5. What are the issues facing artists in your country?
6. What inspires you?
7. Is there a common theme in your work? Issues that concern you?
8. What are your plans for the near future?

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