For the Good of the Republic

I am a patriot (and a parrot),
Loves my mother(father)land
Serves in the august house, job’s mine to keep
Get paid on taxpayer’s coffers for drooling in sleep
When proceedings plunge deep to matters of the people,
Wakes when truncation of my perk is the topic, to
Amend the constitution and keep the job
For the good of the republic.

I am parrot, said to be greedy sans frontiers, an MPig
When I’m actually reaping where I sow,
Gallivanting the country on state duties
And playing golf after the poli-tricks,
Keeps in check the country’s poli-ticks
Fence sitting for the good of the republic.

I sleep less, for the good of the republic
Marries my kids to other poli-ticks
Merges coalitions and alliances,
Rain bombs of bicker in public
Hug and kiss brethren pigs in privacy
And burry our differences under the rubble,
Of names destroyed for the good of the republic.

I am patriot, loves my mother(father)land
Operation Run for Home (State House) is a great success,
The army gongs cymbals and blows trumpets for me
The police run my domestic errands, and
Prison wardens give home to my enemies;
The economy is booming, echo no mix
Of my pleasure and economics;
Central Bank knows me by face
I promised to make life better
Everybody is happy, sees me on the money
I don’t like petty poli-tricks, leave me alone
It’s everybody’s time to dine, the table is one
Together let’s stand, for the good of the republic.

Read more of my poems on Naija Stories, Triond and elovepoetry
Read short stories and other articles on Wikinut and ShortThrillers.


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