Better Never Again

With mist-foggy eyes did she look at me
Lips quivering; eyes wide shut kissed me
Perfunctory than never before we kissed
then full of tension she jerkily released me.
I gave her the anticipatory stare of "I love you"
Words she said always after such kissing.
Then she spoke what I was sure would be
Words I never thought were in her diction.
Still rooted to where we'd stood kissing
Her bullet-voice hit me long after she's gone
Ricocheting and reverberating deep inside
That "better never again" see each other;
What a romantic goodbye?


Got to my Author Page on Amazon for more of my works.

Purchase my books on Amazon and Kindle.

Read more of my stories:
on NaijaStories, Triond (published by Elove Poetry)


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