Memories of You

Unlucky you’re so far away
You always get your way,
Creep up all the way
To be in my memories always;

Nostalgia makes me smirk
Ya’ angelic pretty face is the mark;
The melody of ya’ contra alto
The fondles, smooches and leers;
I wanna go back to da’ cheers
I wanna feel da’ fading of ya’ fears
And listen to ya’ whispers on ma’ ears.

The recent past I resent backing
The cloud this time is so bleak,
The visions are so nightmarish
Tomorrow seems ensanguined;
Yet I hope for a silver lined cloud
And the recent madness to fade;
It puts on me a smile so sardonic
I passionately hate this instinct
That you’re so slipping away

That I am throwing it away
That I am losing you yet I pray
Babe may I say this aura is a prophecy
And I gonna get no mercy
Memories of you are so ominous.

Got to my Author Page on Amazon for more of my works.

Purchase my books on Amazon and Kindle.

Read more of my stories:
on NaijaStories, Triond (published by Elove Poetry)


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