The Call of Love

Time went by,
Daily measured in bitter chapters,
Life deficient of laughter,
Wondering wherever I wronged.
Questioning whatever happened
Wondering whenever he’d come –
The love I nurtured not,
The love I gave bird wings,
The love I let fly away,
The love I let go.
My heart’s crying silently
For the loss of my cause,
My heart’s longing for him
The hurt’s lounging in me
No more can I endure
“I miss him like crazy
I must call him and tell
The truth why I fell”
I now know why…
Love doesn’t call
’till it is afar.

                              For Joy.


  1. sincerely, this is about the best poem ive read from you. fits well
    into literature. the skills are excellent, diction is tight and your
    first lines are killing. really, keep this up. my bb fell into water
    and now i can hardly come online for chats. i miss our little moments.
    hoping to get another one soon.


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