Questions for Love

Sweetheart, what do you want me to do?
How about the next time it happens, and you think I am cheating on you?
How many women will you accuse me of sleeping with before you realize I am not unfaithful to you?
How long will it take for you to believe me before you pack and go, or tell me to leave?

I fell in love with you; blame me for that, not you. All I ever did wrong was fall in love with you?
How does it feel, to find yourself at the darkest corner of distrust by the one you love?

Do you know that it pains the heart when the only song I sing is sad?
Do you know how to bleak my heart trying to get inside your soul?
Do you listen to my songs, tongue heavy with concern for you?

Do you know that I am only human?

Do you know that words aren’t the same as a warm heart or a soft mouth?
Love, I have heard cries of dejected hearts in the night, begging God not to be rejected. You are a mountain –

Cold from snow, your mouth a freezing peak.


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