Call For Submission: The African Book of Younger Poet

Here is an official call to African poets to submit their poems for consideration in a coming anthology to be edited by Wale Owoade (Editor of Black Communion: Poems of 100 New African Poets).
The project is sponsored by Artbeat Africa. The Anthology will be published by New Craft(A publishing imprint of Artbeat Africa) and will be available for global distribution.

The prize is open to African poets, defined as those who were born in Africa, or who are nationals of an African country, or whose parents are African.

  1. All poems must be in English. English poems with few tribal expressions and imageries are also allowed, provided they are accompanied with proper English translations.
  2. Collaborations between two or more poets are not allowed
  3. A poet is not allowed to submit more than 5 poems.
  4. Both short and lengthy poems are welcomed.
  5. Previously published works are allowed. (It should be accompanied with where and when it was published)

  1. Submission should be sent in either the e-mail body or as an attachment.
  2. Along with the poem(s), the following should also be sent: Name, Pen Name (If available), Nationality, email address and a short biography.
  3. All submission should be address to
  4. The email subject should read ‘African Book of Younger Poets’
  5. The deadline for all submission is the May 31st, 2015.
  6. Submission to this anthology is FREE!

Copyright Notice
By submitting your poems to Artbeat Africa, you hereby agree to our Copyright clauses detailed below.
Authors will give Artbeat Africa a one time  permission to publish their work in our  anthology.
By submitting a poem, you certify that the work is original and you are the copyright holder.
By submitting your poems to Artbeat Africa, you hereby agree to the above copyright clauses.
Wale Owoade,
Founder/Managing Editor,
Artbeat Afrika.

'Black Communion' is now available in Print.

You can order for your print copy of Black Communion on Createspace,
Amazon and My African store

Createspace -

Amazon -

and My African Store (advisable for buyers in Africa) -


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