Divine Love: Immense Joy I

PHOTO: infinitynow.wordpress.com
 The rhythm of him who moves inside
Doth penetrate the depths, and glides   
In one part more and in another less.
Within that heaven which most my body receives 
I am aloft, and behold it feels great 
And I soar, and arch, as our souls lace;
Because in drawing near to our passion 
Our worlds drift themselves so far, 
And only the moment matters.
Truly whatever of the divine union
All I have is the power to treasure in my mind 
That which has become my song.

O sweet Stan, for this great congress 
Thou make of me such a vessel of thy power
As giving the sweet love is thy ‘pertise!
One peak of pleasure hitherto 
Has been enough for me, but now with you
I am entranced, body soars to unscaled heights.
Enter into my woman, sweet Stan, and move 
As at the time when out I spread 
My arms and wrapped you in my embrace.
O this love divine that lends itself to me 
So that the shadow of the past hurt 
Stamped in my brain I can forget,
And I come to you my darlin’ stud, 
Where I get what I hunger thereafter  
Of which thy love makes me worthy.


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