Divine Love: Immense Joy IX

©Tatyana Ejik 
O well-endowed Stan, who in the rays 
Of the rising sun glistens with fluids 
Which on thy smooth tummy are smeared,
The core of my womanhood throbbing
Both with satiation and desire at the same time. 
Feeling like the woman I am and with laughing eyes
 My being opens to never shut the doors;
The being fairer will not conceal me from thee,
And you shall see I am yours and yours alone. 
All our affections are in the spirit of forever, 
I rejoice at being from thy ribs formed;
And this union, which bears the stamp of gods, 
Therefore is given us, because our vows 
Have been sealed and shall ne’er be void.
The candle of this fire divine, 
Which burnt from our first sight
When from behind my shades I smiled a little; 
And seemed to burn in the first fire of love.

Stan, our love is from above   
By Cupid himself, and Mami Wata   
For what we have is magical.
If to be two in one we aspired, 
Harmonious would our aspirations be 
Unto the will of they who brought us together;
Which thou shalt see no man tears asunder 

What they bind. 


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