Anniversaries of Love

Love, an emotion of immense joy yet great sorrow, holds us, the world, together.
Cupid's arrows my break, or the poison be dilute
But in the end, love lives.

To celebrate love, I have a gift to all of you, my dearest readers and lovers - FREE LOVE POETRY EBOOK!!!

Holy Emotions, my first ever love poetry book to be published, will from today be FREE for download on all online bookstores and retailers, save for Amazon Kindle which doesn't allow permanent free book sales. 

The book will be retailing at $0.99 USD on Amazon Kindle. I gladly offer it for free, but if you would like to support my writing and appreciate my poetry otherwise, you may purchase on Kindle, but forever it is FREE.

Go to the following links to get your FREE love poetry books and enjoy the best of sensational love poems.

Smashwords (PDF, .mobi Kindle, .epub, or read online):

Mystery Bookstore (PDF only):

Amazon Kindle


First Words, my 2010 Nairobi International Book Fair literary award-winning collection of poems.

Get your copy today for FREE on:


Mystery Bookstore:


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