NEW BOOK RELEASE | Flashes of Vice: Vol III

Lovers of flash fiction stories, I have good news for you - I have released a new book, FLASHES OF VICE: Vol III, a collection of flash fiction stories.

Vice and humanity are like butter and bread. I expose the vice in the society through flash fiction stories, just for entertainment. 

About the Book: Flashes of Vice: Vol III is a collection of flash fiction stories on terrorism, the distant near future, conspiracies, why aliens have beef with humans, and the scars of war.

The stories begin and end without warning: like ‘Allah’s Open Letter to Terrorists’, or the story of the virgin girl who vowed never ever to have sex with terrorists in heaven. Or the serial killer military widow who kills her dead husband’s friends for revenge. Or the untold story of Jesus’s resurrection in ‘How Did the Dead Escape?’

The stories take you into the future, a flash of alien invasion into the world, and the all-time-juicy conspiracies to make the world a better place. 

Read the press release Here.

Title: Flashes of Vice: Vol III
Subtitle: A Collection of Flash Fiction Stories
Language: English
Publisher: Mystery Publishers LTD
Format: PDF
Genre: Flash Fiction
ISBN: 978-9966-100-06-1
Date of Publication: 14 February 2017

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Publication Date: Feb 14 2017
ISBN/EAN13: 1542777402 / 9781542777407
Page Count: 160
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fiction / Science Fiction / Short Stories

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