Divine Love: Immense Joy XXVI

Even as sometimes here we fight,
though love in the act
that all the iniquity is swept away by it,
and I look into thy lovin’ eyes
my duty to behold you
either by words or gesture’s signified;
therein the sparkling of the love I cherish.

You’re more than a thousand lights that rise
O gentle star!
My moon and my sun
Thence no smoke to vitiate thy rays;

O King of My Heart,
So steadfast my desire 
Is unto you who willed to live with me,
And to you I shall walk to the altar
That I know no other love foreswear
Make jubilant the interwoven souls.

And upon earth we shall leave our memories
Such that the naysayers here commend it,
and tell of our story
that from two hearts did single love
Make itself felt,
issued a single sound from out that one love.


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