
Too late, too late
Everything I do babe;
In ma’ life it’s you
Yes, if you love me,
Pliz, come wit’ me
It’s ya’ name in ma' heart
Coming to ma’ dreams
Telling me how I’m such a charm
You got me crazy.

You must come wit’ me
You must come wit’ me (babe)
It’s too late to leave you
You got me crazy
From da’ day I saw you
Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking
You’re replaceable (babe).

Too late, too late
To our merging you’re lating (babe)
Lemme call you a cab
Am standing in da’ front yard
Watching da’ distant highways
Waiting for you, babe
Please don’t be late.

You must come wit’ me
You must come wit’ me (babe)
It’s too late to leave you
You got me crazy
From da’ day I saw you
Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking
You’re replaceable (babe).

Too late, too late
It’s too late babe
I can’t go back to da start
Come wit’ me
It’s getting too late
You got me crazy.

You must come wit’ me
You must come wit’ me (babe)
It’s too late to leave you
You got me crazy
From da’ day I saw you
Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking
You’re replaceable (babe).

Copyright © Vincent de Paul, 2013. All Rights Reserved.


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